Перевод: abstract
[прилагательное] абстрактный; отвлеченный; теоретический; трудный для понимания; реферативный; [существительное] абстракция ; отвлеченный термин; отвлеченное понятие; резюме; реферат ; конспект ; вытяжка ; извлечение; произведение абстрактного искусства; [глагол] отнимать; извлекать; суммировать; резюмировать; абстрагировать; красть; прикарманивать
- John Bassett occupies a corner of this floor, with a small collection of vibrant oil colours, mostly on abstract themes.
- Where there is no love to start with, there is nothing of an abstract nature to withhold.
- Or, in great contrast, there are the more modern abstract designs that might not look out of place displayed on a wall.
- The more abstract the mode of analysis of the problem and therefore the more connected the items on the check-list become, the less likely that one can solve them alone.
- They were later to acquire the vague title of "Nepmen", but in 1922 they were not so clear-cut a phenomenon, and even by the end of NEP it was not possible, despite all Bolshevik propaganda efforts, to lump their origins and subsequent characteristics into the same abstract pigeon-hole.
- They have the same ideal character as does any abstract model of reality and its canonical exemplification, and their relationship with actual states of affairs is a matter of continual interpretation and reappraisal.
- "The general theory of psycho-analysis, in its most abstract definition, is a psychology of mental processes and their organization.
- Other things being equal, a writing task is easier if the organisation is chronological; if the subject matter is drawn from personal experience; if the subject matter is concrete rather than abstract; and if the audience is known to the writer.
- The squeezing and elongation of materials is a basic design expression, nowhere better explored than in Baroque architecture of the eighteenth century and, more recently, abstract expressionism of the twentieth century.
- "She was good at playing abstract confusion in the same way that a midget is good at being short" - Clive James on Marilyn Monroe.
- The supervisor is required to keep accounts and records and file an abstract of them with the court at least once a year, giving copies to the debtor and to all creditors.
- Meanwhile pacifists were generally content with the abstract moralizing suggested by the Manchester Guardian's opposition to the formation of a Liberal Foreign Affairs Committee on the grounds that the "success or failure of foreign policy depends on the application of a few simple principles to facts which as a rule are not very numerous nor very complicated."
- To the victims, the abstract Leftism of some of the Bolsheviks seemed in practice much the same as colonial domination.