Перевод: abstruse
[прилагательное] трудный для понимания; неясный; малопонятный; заумный; глубокий; глубокомысленный
- I do not expect that every teacher and every pupil should adopt the role of the popularizing author or the television-style simplifier of the abstruse.
- She roused increasing desire in him; he thought of her in the night, when his abstruse reflections on the day's work were done.
- To explain, requires the use of terms less abstruse than that which is to be explained, and such terms cannot always be found; for as nothing can be proved but by supposing something intuitively known, and evident without Proof, so nothing can be defined but by the use of words too plain to admit a definition.
- There were so many books and periodicals to be read, so many abstruse thoughts to be thought.
- Brian tried to think about all those theories - so abstruse to him - which maintained that unloved children became unloving mothers, abused children turned into abusers of their own offspring.
- Oswy was probably unable to follow in detail the abstruse arguments put forward, but in the end he decided to accept the Roman practice, on the grounds that at the gates of heaven the keys are held by St Peter, and against him he would not contend.
- Although some of these analyses have proved abstruse and others untenable, this collective contribution (which can be only briefly explored here) has proved vital in re-orientating thinking on the urban problem and its resolution.
- I have received thy kind letter of February the 19th 1755, which gave me much satisfaction: and some uneasiness, that so many years have elapsed wherein we might have reciprocally communicated our observations to each other; and although thee had incomparably the advantage over me, yet, notwithstanding, I love to peep into the abstruse operations of nature.
- They did not engage in an abstruse discussion of the technicalities of Trinitarianism but saw it as a paradigm of the religious experience of God.
- Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.
- R. J. left her with a few of his abstruse sayings, which she believed meant he was telling her not to worry too much; it was difficult to tell.
- Hidden beneath the abstruse title of "Davni Chasy", they discovered a rollicking number they knew better as "Those Were The Days".
- From the endless, pathetic "creative hours" of kindergarten to the most abstruse problems in sociology and anthropology, the function of education is to prevent the truly creative intellect from getting out of hand.