Перевод: aloft
[наречие] наверху; на высоте; в воздухе; вверх; наверх; на реях; на марсе [мор.]
- Tightly corseted women, holding parasols aloft, traipsed across glaciers and climbed mountains in the dark before dawn to watch the sun rise from the top.
- Glamour aloft was also provided by the great airships Graf Zeppelin and Hindenburg .
- He holds the bat aloft for comfort, so that his eyes remain level and he concentrates feverishly, believing it a greater crime to be out for 30 than for nought.
- He had been stripped naked in the oil store, where the incident had occurred during their very first month as apprentices, and his clothes triumphantly borne aloft to the plating shop to be washed in one of the hot water tanks.
- She attached the bag and it was swiftly hoisted aloft.
- Most of them, and particularly the larger ones, combined slow, flapping flight with gliding, spending a large part of their lives effortlessly aloft.
- The delay and uncertainty over the fate of Challenger's principal cargo, the tracking and data relay satellite, which is now aloft but in the wrong orbit, means that Europe's Spacelab may have to operate at half-speed when it is launched in September.
- Again there was a Black Sumatra and one chick on the ground, but this time there were nine others aloft, all more or less black.
- Some leaning against the spiles; some seated upon the pier-heads; some looking over the bulwarks of ships from China; some high aloft in the rigging, as if striving to get a still better seaward peep.
- Rough hands gripped him by his crotch and the back of his neck, holding him aloft like a defenceless struggling insect tipped on to its back.
- Then, waving aloft a sheaf of papers, he uttered the famous lie that was to catapult him into the limelight for four years: "I have here in my hand a list of 205 names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department."
- Dummy corpses dangle aloft, to remind us that Tyburn Tree was no joke; but Caird and his cast also do justice to the element of pure burlesque, to Gay's elegance and panache, to the swing and snap of the dialogue.
- He was spared further speculation by the descent of Miss Harker, candle aloft, like a vengeful ghost.