Перевод: anecdote
[существительное] рассказ ; короткий рассказ; история ; эпизод ; анекдот ; подробности частной жизни
- It is at least possible that their features came from their father's side of the family, judging from an anecdote which Herbert told of having been on holiday at the Cape as a young man.
- In recounting the anecdote, Ashwina can claim to be part of a shared network of understandings.
- The volume may be judged by an anecdote of a teacher in Massachusetts, a comparatively liberal state, which has come only lately to such activity and to a degree which would be surpassed by many other states.
- John Newsom brought to that task an intimate knowledge of the workings of the Establishment, a rich store of anecdote (much of it scurrilous), a delight in getting to know his fellow members and in entertaining them in princely style, and a huge sense of fun.
- There was a very long story about him and Donald in the Rose and Thorn, a short, rather vulgar anecdote about something that had happened to Donald's wife while crossing Wimbledon Common and a boastful piece about how he, Henry, had amused some French sailors in the bar at the Mini Golf, Boulogne sur Mer.
- He replied that this was one anecdote of Surkov's which had seemed to carry conviction.
- That anecdote, told in Beatrice Hastings' New Age column, seems true to life.
- A traditional anecdote may be said to sum up the change that has taken place in our attitude.
- But for its full significance, and a rather more liberating version of it, we might recall Wilde's wonderful anecdote about Narcissus and the river as related by Gide:
- Comic anecdote about the elopement of the daughter of a fatuous MP from a "finishing establishment for young ladies".
- His mother tells an anecdote about his wanting to join the Cubs, the junior branch of Boy Scout movement, when he was only four or five: much below the permitted age, but he was so insistent that the Cubmaster let him in.
- THOSE figures of Mr Roach even fit most people's chosen method of analysis: the anecdote.
- Robyn herself, needless to say, interpreted this anecdote in a light more favourable to herself, as anticipating her later commitment to progressive causes.