Перевод: astir
[прилагательное] находящийся в движении; взволнованный; возбужденный; вставший с постели; [наречие] в возбуждении; в движении; на ногах
- John Anglos MHCIMA, former managing director and general manager of Astir Hotels, is now secretary general of the Greek National Tourism Organisation.
- The market place is, to put it mildly, astir once more.
- A few people were already astir in the first village they passed through, and when they reached the piazza in Pontino higher up a huddled group stood within the light and warmth of the doorway of the Bar Italia waiting for the first bus down to Florence.
- At corner Inn the ostlers were the only visible representatives, and the doors were still closed; but at the village a number of the natives were astir, and came to a little stone pier where a boat's crew were exchanging for the coin of the realm the sparkling treasure netted in the night season, and many of the lodgers would have the freshest of fresh herrings waiting them for breakfast.