Перевод: bacterium
[существительное] бактерия
- The bovine TB bacterium was first isolated from a badger in June 1971, some 20 years after farmers in Cornwall had been ridiculed for suggesting that badgers were involved in the spread of TB to cattle.
- For example, Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf-5 produces pyoluteorin ( 3 ), which is effective in controlling damping-off in cotton caused by Pythium ultimum (this disease prevents or retards the establishment of seedlings); other strains of the same bacterium produce pyrrolnitrin ( 4 ), which is active against a range of fungal pathogens of cotton, whereas phenazine-1-carboxylic acid ( 5 ) is active against take-all or "whiteheads" of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici , which infects roots.
- Past research has revealed numerous different E. coli plasmids scattered among different strains of the bacterium.
- Just how different is a bacterium from an elephant?
- From the viewpoint of the bacterium, plasmids have two effects.
- No confusion was found when they tested them against 200 different isolates of the same, but genetically unmodified, bacterium taken from lake water.
- A SALT-LOVING bacterium may become a major ally in the effort to develop new drugs.
- For some 30 years the toxins produced inside the Tb bacterium (-endotoxins) have been used in commercial insecticides.
- The classic example was discovered by the French biologists Franois Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1959 in the bacterium Escherichia coli (see Figure 9).
- a bacterium with new genetic information resulting from conjugation.
- The bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae causes about a third of some 3,000 annual meningitis cases and an estimated 250 deaths in England and Wales.
- This bacterium has a battery of three genes (G 1 , G 2 , G 3 in the figure), which code for proteins (P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ) needed by the cell if it is to use galactosides (energy-rich compounds which may or may not be present in the surroundings).
- During conjugation, DNA is passed from one bacterium to another; this DNA may be the plasmid which caused the conjugation, or the bacterial chromosome itself, or both.