Перевод: badge
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- The Duke of Edinburgh himself addressed the gathered winners - and there was a further thrill when distinguished actor Ron Moody presented her certificate and badge.
- So I am now a "colonial" and wear the badge of my adopted land on my shoulder, just like all the others.
- Mr B was last seen hurrying to fetch a badge which reads: Fat Tory Bastards Against The Bomb.
- Bog myrtle ( Myrica gale ) Roid, sometimes rendered as is the badge of the Clan MacArthur; and the MacDonalds and MacAlisters have for their clan badges the heather, already mentioned for its great versatility.
- Indeed, a winged dagger was the S.A.S. badge, originally conceived, it is said, as the sword of Damocles.
- I felt a lump in my throat as I looked down at the first grave, the Balmoral on the cross was torn at the front as if a piece of shrapnel had smashed its way through the badge and into the soldier's head.
- The blazer badge reinforced the "capture of bodies" philosophy which had sustained our earlier lives, but was created at the same time that I was compiling a paper for presentation at the national BMA police surgeons' conference.
- One in velvet for you, with the badge of your Order.
- Brig Ramsey fought like a tigress to save the WRAC's cap badge.
- Although admission was free the public had to purchase Red Cross badge which gave the spectators temporary membership.
- To cite but a few examples, the thistle is the official badge of the Clan Stewart.
- Performance of that order behind a BMW badge could shake a few prejudices, but these high-fliers may not be available in right-hand drive form until next year because of the demand for them on the Continent.