Перевод: bakery
[прилагательное] хлебобулочный; [существительное] пекарня ; хлебопекарня ; булочная
- Bear in mind that there.can be additives in unlabelled food such as bread from a bakery, fish-and-chips, other take-away food, and restaurant food eg French fries.
- One such trip was during the first week that Mr. Shipsey started his business - the bakery door was open and Dad and I stood and watched the proceedings, I gazed in amazement as the tin loaves were drawn from the oven, trays of currant buns brought out, brushed with sugar water applied by a three inch brush and doughnuts sprinkled with sugar.
- Douglas, the leading US maker of pan washers for the bakery trade, provides a profitable US base and the chance to undercut the market by setting up more cost effective production facilities based on Lincat's UK operations.
- The converted mill is now in excellent condition and still boasts a number of reminders of its former use as a bakery as well as a mill.
- The Federation of Bakers yesterday made an increased pay offer of 9.5 per cent to bakery workers to save threatened Christmas bread supplies.
- The advert, placed in April last year, gave an address and telephone number of an Istanbul bakery where Mr Koc was living.
- Every weekend he gave Mossman the baker a shilling for his cart and every Saturday afternoon he pushed it from the bakery to the square in the High Street and harangued the passers-by about the stupidity of the forthcoming war.
- But there was a key-shaped chocolate cake - a "joke" between North and the Iranian middleman, Manucher Ghorbanifar, ordered by North from a kosher bakery in Israel - and a pair of Colt pistols in a presentation box.
- Roberts' student days coincided with the depression and to finance his studies he had to work at night and on Saturdays in a bakery store.
- In Chapter 3 we discussed briefly employee theft, and, in particular, Ditton's study of fiddling at a factory-production bakery.
- Once you had been visited by the sergeant, you'd go for a scrounge, somewhere you could get a smoke - a bakery where there was a bit of heat in the winter-time.
- He had decided to remedy this inconvenience by robbing Pearman's bakery.
- Apart from the mill itself, other buildings include the former bakery, stables, hay loft and cart shed.