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Перевод: baton speek baton

жезл ; палочка ; дирижерская палочка; дубинка ; полицейская дубинка; эстафетная палочка;
бить дубинкой


  1. But there is a reverse to this, for wider security concerns require that neighbourhood men accomplish community policing equipped with at least a side-arm, sometimes more, flak jacket and baton, as well as personal radio.
  2. There was a hostile crowd and to save himself and prevent Sweeney from escaping, Rose hit him twice with his baton.
  3. The original point of the survey, however, was not, or not only, to suggest how specifically and illuminatingly the term "postmodernism" can be applied to the British context, but simply as an answer to B. S. Johnson's fear that the baton of innovation had been dropped altogether.
  4. After what seemed its thirty-fifth repetition, Rowicki put down his baton, looked up and spoke to the ceiling in a low-pitched, conversational tone: "Everyone can now play this correctly except Mr X" (the fourth inside desk cellist).
  5. The vast majority of British novelists has dropped the baton, stood still, turned back, or not even realised that there is a race.
  6. Apart from John Patten's Lions speech, by 1990 the citizenship baton appears to have been passed from the Home Office to the D.E.S.
  7. One had raised his baton but the others opened a gap for her and let her through.
  8. The air was cold on stage, the little orchestra seemed to be down a mine and all she could see was a very small bald head and a very long baton.
  9. For some choral music - the Missa Solemnis we were watching on film - you don't use a baton either.
  10. After this a section of the crowd marched to the Guildhall, from where they were driven back up Shipquay Street towards the Diamond, where two baton charges were needed to disperse them.
  11. When the sergeant had been to every man, made sure that he had his key, his baton, boots were clean, and all the rest of it, then he told the man when to take his refreshments and what beat he was on.
  12. Fergus Pyle saw a Young Socialist being hit on the head by a baton and a "girl in a mini skirt carrying the Plough and Stars flag wrestling with a constable, and a few men grabbing and fighting with policemen".
  13. A young man in an Acker Bilk ensemble lurked in the doorway and a girl in a red satin skirt and a chocolate soldier cap twirled a baton and stamped her feet.

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