Перевод: beech
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- The effects must be charming, to see the dark green elm with the lighter shades of the lime and beech or the yellowish green planes with the silver-leaved abele, the Chestnut, the poplar, the acacia, the horse-chestnut, cum multis aliis , when fanned by a gentle breeze, then how beautiful the contrast, how delightfully the light and shade fall in to diversify the sylvan scene.
- She would chant Morgen silently, and allow the scents of wet lavender and rotting beech leaves to cast their spell.
- A common or garden dispute: Peter Dunn and his beech hedge are maturing after a boundary battle
- ONE MAN was arrested and scuffles broke out yesterday as protesters battled to save a line of beech trees from being felled.
- The 1797 church chronicles lament the demise of one Edward Bunce, a gatekeeper at Coppid Beech Lane turnpike, who was found murdered in the night.
- The thin beech spinney from where the dogs were slipped still stands near the Oxford road.
- ERIKA RAN, mile after effortless mile around the park until dusk brought the bone-chilling mist; then, in a loping run, under the great beech tree, home.
- By the time the beech hedge begins to grow and shade the border, the leaves will have refuelled their corms and died down.
- Certainly this rectory with its five bays, its golden stucco and elegant elliptical pediment and fan light has all the grandeur of a small manor, set as it is a little out of the town under a small hanger of beech trees.
- If all goes well, Beech Road will start at 2-1 or less at Cheltenham as there is no mistaking his superiority.
- At Llyn Brianne in mid Wales, Lodgepole pine showed extensive yellowing; on the acid sands of Surrey, beech were as deformed as those on the sandy soils of Holland and in the worst affected areas of the Black Forest.
- This was put down to a " Fichtesterben ", or progressive spruce death, but a year later it appeared in other species too, such as beech, oak and the mountain ash, and foresters grew alarmed.
- To the west is the tall beech enclosure in front of the house where roses and other herbaceous plants flower under the trees in June and July.