Перевод: blatant
[прилагательное] крикливый; вульгарный; вопиющий; ужасный; бесстыдный; явный; очевидный
- There could hardly have been a more blatant political manipulation of the public inquiry system in favour of the developer.
- In a blatant appeal to the constituency's Roman Catholic vote, the Labour candidate appears on the ballot paper as "Pope, Gregory" - though rumours he had tried to change his middle name to "the Second" were discounted.
- His request could have been investigated more thoroughly, his premises subjected to a search and inventory which would have revealed his blatant lie.
- Rumours range from the truth through analysts' exaggerations to blatant lies whose purpose is to make a profit or extract a dealer from an awkward position.
- However, it was obviously a blatant lie that he had no idea that Hewett and Charlton were police officers.
- The two stars are furious with officials in Florida for not keeping the affair secret and want those involved in the "blatant breach of confidentiality" fired.
- Alternatively the story of how the Robartes family came to have the money to build Lanhydrock House in the Fowey valley could be considered a tale of blatant exploitation, outrageous usury and greed.
- A BLATANT attempt by South Africa to dictate the terms of next month's elections in Namibia has been reversed after months of tough negotiations with the United Nations.
- Codemasters' director David Darling said: "The fact that Sega has chosen to wait to sue until just before our commercial launch shows this is a blatant attempt to keep us from the market they control."
- It was "a blatant bid for public sympathy", according to the director Donald Driver, who had walked out on the production in protest at the way Dustin had taken over.
- If Gunnell herself has cashed in, she's not been so blatant or obviously motivated by the financial side as other athletes.
- Erika's assent was less than whole-hearted, for, although she was proud of the care the State was lavishing on the old buildings, and although, in fact, she preferred this part of the city, she felt it a duty to defend the crude and blatant concrete of the post-war Berlin.
- Slinging the odd punch is part of the game and the recent imprisonment of a prominent Welsh player for a blatant and dangerous assault was criticized by most players and supporters.