Перевод: blink
[существительное] мерцание; вспышка ; миг ; отблеск льда; [глагол] мигать; моргать; щуриться; мерцать; закрывать глаза
- At the same time, blink once or twice, change eye focus, look into the distance - perhaps out of the window - then look down to the floor.
- It is important to note that the elimination of the conditioned response is not accompanied by any motor dysfunction; the animals still blink normally to the air puff.
- If it be in the dusk when, like an eyelid's soundless blink,
- That this person should harbour aggressive feelings towards you is unimaginable, but then suddenly, she goes to poke you in the eye - and you blink .
- Nicholson then said something extremely rude to Sam, which made Sam blink.
- "Bloody thing's on the blink.
- creating a polymer film at the air-tear interface which supports or drags a layer of water along with it as it spreads out over the ocular surface with each blink.
- Clive's fist hit the side of his head before he could blink, and in an instant he was crushed under all four boys and someone rammed the soap into his mouth.
- The happy landowner can then stand at the window smoking a pipe and wave cheerily at the unwelcome hill-walkers, secure in the knowledge that in a few minutes they will be heading back to the car, steam gently rising from them as they blink in distress from behind grisly face-masks of dung.
- Still, though; stuck on earth (it was sometimes the longest blink) it was Meg's ambition to visit Jerusalem.
- Traffic lights blink impotently at the odd cyclist who now, as later, ignores them.
- lurching in the blink of an eye, daring to see like a yes.