Перевод: body
[существительное] тело; плоть ; туловище; корпус ; ствол ; труп ; человек ; основная часть; главная часть; главный корабль; консистенция ; кроющая способность; крепость ; кузов ; остов ; фюзеляж ; станина ; ствольная коробка; стакан ; лиф ; корсаж ; реторта ; перегонный куб; распар домны; сравнительная плотность; группа людей; группа ; юридическое лицо; корпорация ; организация ; воинская часть; большинство; масса ; большое количество; [глагол] воплощать; придавать форму
- Franca, looking at him, felt the old familiar rush of feeling as if her body advanced and entered his body.
- They eat all but the smallest prey by tearing the carcases apart before ingestion, holding the body of the prey in their talons and tearing small parts away with their hooked beaks.
- Curing time nevertheless remains one of the barriers to composites' mass production, even though, as Lotus's Albert Adams is quick to point out, what comes out of a steel press is far from being a complete car body.
- Without going into the details (they are distractingly complicated) what matters is that their genes do not leave the snail's body in the snail's sperms or eggs.
- The more rounded body, still distinctly Shogun with perhaps a more Americanised flavour, has increased dimensions in all but height, which is slightly lower, like the bonnet.
- Again, Simon threw the top half of his body over the drum, sinking it with his weight.
- Violence flared first in Helston, where an angry crowd of about a thousand gathered as William Body, a Commissioner charged with destroying every relic of popery, was desecrating the Church.
- Both are needed within the body.
- He was also associated with the preparation of the 1988 White Paper on political reform, another constitutional milestone, and is now tipped to succeed Donald Liao, the outgoing Secretary for District Administration, as a member of the Sino-British Joint Liaision Group, the diplomatic body which monitors technical aspects of the transition.
- It is the same with your Self: don't struggle to impose your will: let your mind be your body and your body be your mind."
- Avoiding the face, which is too sensitive for this treatment, make bold sweeping movements over each part of the body as in Fig. 2.
- These "aunts" may also help the mother if she is in difficulty, supporting her underneath her body and swimming with her.
- Most Land Rover body panels will fit if they look as if they will fit.