Перевод: carpet
[существительное] ковер ; покрытие; защитный слой; покрытие дороги; покрывало; крыша ; одежда ; [глагол] устилать; устилать коврами; покрывать коврами; вызывать для замечания; вызывать для выговора
- Possessions were to be valued for their family associations, rather than their artistic or commercial value; the Fairley household gods - three glorious red Beloush rugs, another huge Persian carpet woven with a deer-hunting scene, two handsome gilt-framed mirrors, portraits both human and animal, and an assortment of silver - were carried from one featureless Navy married quarters to the next, becoming chipped, torn and battered in the process, but no mention was ever made of their material worth or aesthetic quality.
- He had a business to run and he was up to his neck in carpets all day long; he's a carpet fitter, so you'll know what I mean.
- A narrow stairway led up to the third floor where an unmarked door opened onto a plush modern office reception area with a deep-pile fawn carpet dotted with pot plants.
- Pattern in carpet design.
- The brown carpet was cigarette-burned and none too clean, but at least it did not clash with the shabby beige of the walls.
- So, it's hardly surprising that Burmatex carpet tiles are specified by many of the UK's leading name offices, retail outlets, banks, building societies, schools, leisure centres and all types of demanding locations.
- Suddenly, Constance realised that she actually was very tired - but not too tired to notice with pleasure the warm wood panelling, the Turkey-red stair carpet and the clean smell of polish which all added up to an atmosphere of richness and opulence quite foreign to her mother's sparse house in Northumberland.
- She dropped on the floor and, lying on her stomach with her elbows on the carpet, looking up into his face.
- Two uniformed men were on their hands and knees, brushing at the carpet with their fingers.
- Imagine a carpet salesman whose "patch" covers, say, 10 different towns.
- Capriati, the seventh seed, put her lenses in just five minutes before the start and went on to Madison Square Garden's blue carpet to beat Sukova 7-;6, 6-;1 to reach the quarter-finals.
- When she did, Raine would have the red carpet rolled out in her honour.
- To his relief, she smiled back, excused herself from Gladys, and walked straight across the rich Wilton carpet to where he was standing.