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Перевод: cheque speek cheque

чек ; банковский чек


  1. The woman happened to be quite wealthy, cheerfully handed him a large cheque as a gift - and he flew to Hawaii.
  2. I think that normally there is a cheque sent through with the notification, which we put in against the COUP's fees code, but there isn't one this time.
  3. The fact that such a cheque is supported by a cheque guarantee card makes no difference.
  4. If the amount is under 50 , ask for the customer's cheque card and check that the details on it match those on the cheque.
  5. This charge also applies to items which would normally have been returned but which have been guaranteed by a Barclays Connect card or cheque guarantee card.
  6. Next time, you, your daughter, your grand-daughter or just a neighbour is pregnant, you could think of the thirty-odd years that the NCT has spent safeguarding the interests of parents and babies, and you could get out your cheque book.
  7. In 1954 the breed's South African journal made the point that wool farmers wanted a breed of cattle that needed no coddling to produce milk for the house and top-price slaughter oxen whose main role was to keep the veld short for sheep, while the mixed grass veld farmer wanted a good cream cheque, a bullock to work and a profitable steer which could be fed on surplus grain.
  8. Even so, lawyers think a cheque would have to be paid into an account with exactly the same name.
  9. According to a Midland Bank survey published this week, only 10 per cent of those questioned said they preferred to use a cheque rather than an electronic debit card.
  10. Just send the coupon with your name and address and a cheque for 3.00 to The Guild.
  11. To date it has been the keepers of the government's cheque books rather than those who conduct the nation's health checks who have dictated policy over drinking water.
  12. Whether one tries to illustrate subsidiarity by an upturned pyramid or a spiked helmet is irrelevant: Sir Christopher's definition makes it clear that, far from being a guarantee for decentralisation, "subsidiarity" is a blank cheque for more and more power to be transferred to Community level, just as the principle's enshrinement in the German constitution has led to massive centralisation of power and expenditure in that country.
  13. A month ago MB Group used up the 164m cash proceeds of its Carnaud merger by purchasing ABS Holdings for 300m (194m) to make it the second largest cheque printer in the US.

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