Перевод: circulate
[глагол] иметь круговое движение; циркулировать; распространяться; распространять; передавать; рассылать циркуляры; рассылать проспекты; быть в обращении; обращаться; повторяться
- Even then, Jobs predicts, illegal copies will circulate, but computer companies will be able to cost piracy in much the same way as shops cost shoplifting - as part of their business plans.
- Mr Durrewald was so terrified by what he had recorded that he did not circulate his tape until the federal authorities had agreed to protect him.
- Then, in the early spring of 1944, strong rumours began to circulate that big changes were coming to Bourn.
- However, it is important to keep your fellow campaigners in other groups informed of what you are doing as the likelihood is that they will read your releases and help circulate them further.
- But just before half-time the blood started to circulate as Hamilton and Marshall had close-range shots blocked by the reflex responses of Pearce.
- Nevertheless, large areas of the Palace remained very ill-lit; servants who were responsible for the maintenance of the oil lamps, the only means of lighting the corridors and the small dark private staircases, were obliged to circulate day and night.
- For its part, the Academy was soon forced to issue a public statement to counter the rumours that had begun to circulate.
- Peter and I agreed that the next step should be for us (you?) to circulate the above topic/author proposals as an Aunt Sally to Paul and Jackie Schachter to see if this coincides at all with their thinking.
- The range of "little crime" calls is tremendous, and covers such things as sheep-worrying, prostitution, moving on loitering youths and courting couples (the latter being another popular subject for the humorous stories which circulate in the canteen culture of Easton's police), drunken fights, and incidents involving supporters of animal rights.
- Filming had barely commenced when stories began to circulate about Lazenby's "difficult" behaviour.
- Another cause of unpleasant body odour is sweat souring when trapped in areas where air is unable to circulate, such as the armpits.
- Always circulate after the meeting your understanding of what has been agreed, even if the other party does exactly the same.
- Ventilation: ample room between inner and flysheet for air to circulate, especially when doors at either end are open.