Перевод: circumstance
[существительное] обстоятельство; случай ; подробность ; деталь ; церемония
- A mitigating circumstance is the fact that few library users restrict themselves to one source alone for obtaining books.
- It leaves out place and circumstance, the powerful and unconscious drive of material interests and class identity.
- This circumstance could include the bridging of an original dpc by "remedial" rendering applied over insufficiently weather-tight brickwork.
- All too often moralists tend to regard a person's moral life as the story of how he proves himself in the face of moral demands imposed on him by chance and circumstance.
- Now the remarkable circumstance, recorded by Anna Dostoevsky in her memoirs, is that her husband had a foreboding of political disturbances at the Academy, and fearing that his brother-in-law "because of his youthfulness and weakness of character might take an active part in them", he persuaded Anna's mother it would be a good thing if the young man came to them in Dresden: which he did in October of 1869, the month before Ivanov was murdered.
- Tossed about between the two, he lacked a stable background, a circumstance which was aggravated by the changes in the fortunes of the Bonaparte family as a whole.
- This circumstance encourages me to hope that you may, if you have any opening for such a youth, be willing to take George , who is exceedingly desirous of obtaining the situation - or indeed any situation which through industry and a desire of improvement may hereafter insure a creditable independence; but, above all things he seems to wish that it may be possible for you to take him into a situation similar to that which was offered to his Brother.
- The phrase that the law is an ass, because it falls to cover the circumstance, is a common pairing lime on the part of the neighbourhood men in situations like this.
- And that control became positively wondrous when you consider the other altered circumstance - in Dublin, the Australians were operating before rugby forgot its central themes, before it came charging off the tracks and awarded the put-in to the other team in indeterminate rucks and mauls - turning rugby into an uncontrolled and frothy nothing.
- Except in unusual circumstance, each day's business ends with a half-hour debate on the motion that "the House do now adjourn".
- But this was not a circumstance of homicide.
- Abstracts are intended to be as concise as the nature of a particular topic being dealt with allows and not to be detailed rule-books dealing with every conceivable circumstance."
- The child's willingness to talk about his family and his home, however, will be much more likely to reflect his own individual circumstance.