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Перевод: clockwise speek clockwise

движущийся по часовой стрелке;
по часовой стрелке


  1. Fig. 5.11 Right yaw due to clockwise rotor.
  2. This Page (clockwise): 1.
  3. Inset top Braving the elements in Snowdonia, the line-up of cameras tested: (clockwise from top)
  4. The clockwise journey can suggest the rotation of the seasons and the rise and fall of life's cycles.
  5. But it is more likely that a physical restraint influenced the swirling liquids - just as bad weather cyclones and hurricanes are anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise south of the equator of spinning planet Earth.
  6. This is done by moving clockwise around the board and answering questions of political trivia.
  7. The Sun, the Moon, the planets and stars seem to move clockwise across the northern sky.
  8. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Winsor Newton Gallery set comprising 10 tubes of Winton oil colour 10 tubes of Winton oil colour, medium, palette, board and brushes; Georgian oil painting set from Daler-Rowney containing eight tubes of oil colour, bottles of turpentine and purified linseed oil, selection of brushes; basic set of Griffin alkyd colours from Winsor Newton; set in 10 large tubes of Winton oil colour from Winsor Newton.
  9. (The choice of clockwise for + is arbitrary and probably due to thinking of the turn R as clockwise.)
  10. When you reach the abdomen, gently circle the area in a clockwise direction to aid peristalsis (waves of muscular contractions which move food through the intestines).
  11. Masses of Sikhs jostled and crowded round him as he made his parikrama, the ritual clockwise walk around the marble margins of the sacred lake.
  12. If a flat sailed (for descriptive convenience) ship were to be constantly sailed anti-clockwise around an island with the wind blowing from the north, the sail would always lie in line with a point due east on the sailed circle (due west if sailed clockwise).
  13. Linn's Karik/Numerik CD player (clockwise from top): impeccable two-box engineering; Numerik DAC component; Numerik interior shot; Karik transport quality of build; transport quick-acting and smooth.

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