Перевод: column
[существительное] колонна ; столб ; столбик ; столбец ; колонка ; графа ; стойка ; строй кильватера
- First, there may be a more or less continuous emission of steam and other vapours, not carrying much solid material, which forms a white column rather like the plume above a power-station cooling tower.
- Now I realise that millions of people do not read The Guardian , or missed that column on that day, or were not interested in the question.
- It is still used for solvent extraction procedures such as extracting drugs to put them down a chromatography column, "but a lot of people have been replacing it because of its carcinogenicity".
- The mass of instruments was like the cockpit of a seven-four-seven, even down to a control column.
- Column 3
- This column supports no party: it just has a option for the poor - in heart, spirit, wealth or opportunity.
- At this point in the debate a public bunfight has arisen between, on the one hand the authors of the Coopers Lybrand report on Tuesday that warned of a "fiscal reality gap" and a public sector borrowing requirement soaring way above Tory and Labour projections (about which this column warned last week) and those who believe this takes too gloomy a view of prospects.
- Move the WORD PROCESSING "column" back into the table as the first column
- High overhead, a buzzard circled lazily on a column of warm air and on the roadway a butterfly with big white-ringed, russet-coloured eyes staring from its black wingtips, opened and closed its wings.
- The Standard commentary column enthused again about the benefits that would accrue to the town; "people of means and leisure will take up residence in the district; it has long been said that Henley needed further attractions and the present move is assuredly one in the right direction".
- A lead story in Bob Gledhill's column headlined "Beware of Non-Fishing Bureaucrats" (November 24 issue) criticised one of local boat clubs for failing to invest in electric winches and described the committee as "armchair rulers."
- We can offer a partial answer to this question by observing that, if we can find w k O satisfying and for j = 2 and 3, then the BFS of P4/T1 is an alternative optimal solution of LP (w 1 , w 2 , w 3 ) and another optimal (efficient) solution can be found by pivoting in column 1 (x 1 -column).
- Questor Column: ROLLS-ROYCE