Перевод: combine
[существительное] картель ; синдикат ; объединение; комбинат ; комбайн ; [глагол] объединять; смешивать; сочетать; совмещать; смешиваться; объединяться; сочетаться; комбинировать; скомбинировать; соединять; убираться комбайном
- Having read with interest the saga of the Ashley Court Hotel, and now the first instalment on the Valley Hotel ( Caterer , 11-;17 July), it strikes me that the Povahs and the Cassons should combine their marketing, accounting and food systems skills.
- Either Germany should revalue upwards to give the rest of us some breathing room or Britain, France and Italy should combine in a joint downward realignment.
- The new Frankfurt am Main station, completed in 1888, was planned to replace and combine the functions of three existing Frankfurt stations on a single site on the city outskirts.
- The retailer may combine various forms of advertising in a promotions campaign, depending on what products he wants to promote, and the way he wants to use the advertising.
- including most notably Local Management of Schools (LMS) combine to give governors duties, responsibilities and powers far greater than any previously envisaged.
- It might perhaps be wondered why, when the locks were being renovated in 1909, the opportunity was not taken to adapt the side-ponds, to combine the need to re-fill the lock quickly with the kind of water economy which would have resulted from the more conventional side-pond system.
- Again sex and religion combine through anthropological images invested with pain.
- Only with the more entrepreneurial activities of the lower class - from bookmaking to thieving - did the gospel of urban moralizing combine with an economic imperative.
- My pathetic attempt to combine snapshot and Last Judgement in early picture of God and his family, God in suit with cigar, Mary, white hair, Joseph ditto, child Jesus playing with dove, sailor suit.
- Foliar colour and shape combine here beautifully with shades of pink
- Most conservation schemes combine both mechanical and agronomic techniques, and in many instances they are complementary.
- Why not combine a week's cruise with a week or two in resort?
- In 1921, Siqueiros had urged artists to "avoid those lamentable archaeological reconstructions" ("Indianism", "Primitivism", "Americanism') but he had also warned against the use of "archaic motifs" from the old masters of European art "which for us would be exotic"; instead his advice was to study the arts of both, learning from the "constructive base", the "great sincerity", of the latter, and the "synthetic energy" of the former, to combine the "lost values" of the past with new values to produce an art appropriate to modern America.