Перевод: compliment
[существительное] комплимент ; похвала ; привет ; любезность ; поклон ; поздравление; [глагол] говорить комплименты; хвалить; похвалить; льстить; приветствовать; поздравлять; подарить
- Don't allow unjust criticism to disturb you; it may be a disguised compliment.
- Back in 1977, Cooder guested on one of Gabby's best albums, "The Gabby Pahinui Hawaiian Band", and Gabby returned the compliment by playing on Cooder's "Chicken Skin Music".
- She showed no pleasure in the compliment, discomfiting him.
- "May I return the compliment, sir."
- That I think of as a compliment, and it makes me feel good.
- He said, "You're a natural," and she almost smiled at the compliment.
- Underwood got the first try, following a searing diagonal run by Heslop, and then returned the compliment by giving Heslop the scoring pass for the second.
- "I'll take that as a compliment"
- They received a rare compliment from the enemy themselves.
- "I meant it as a compliment."
- He was entirely suited to enjoy the hospitality at the Castle, to relish Sir John's venison and cranberry sauce and compliment him on the beauty of his larches.
- The charming compliment implied by the phrase "funny man" was enough to give an extra spring to my wrist as I dunked my toast soldier into my Sunday morning boiled egg.
- Mr Hussein may declare Iraq's war against the allies to be a jihad, but Saudi Arabia returns the compliment, and has organised a fatwa (religious decree) to prove it.