Перевод: concave
[прилагательное] вогнутый; впалый; [существительное] впадина ; небесный свод; свод ; [глагол] делать вогнутым
- Gradual changes give clues as to the shape and orientation of a surface; for example, if you know where the light is coming from, changes in brightness will tell you whether the surface is concave or convex.
- The right fork ran through pine forest well below the level of the meadow before climbing to meet the quarry track, which ran in a slight curve following the concave face of the mountain.
- Arrows occur at the corners of polygons and tend to make the sides seem concave.
- Disc harrows consisting of gangs of concave steel discs are dragged at an angle to the line of draught.
- The mountainside, climbing steeply from the head of the meadow, was concave so that it formed a natural amphitheatre cupping a quarry face.
- Patrick decided to give her a brand new bob, slightly concave at the back with an undetermined weightline, a heavy drop in the front and a definite fringe.
- The Cruz Twinkick concave as it's known is a complex concave, and it's not just "concave" in profile, a very slight rise running through the length of the deck is invisible to the eye but you can feel a more comfortable footlock when you stand on it.
- She had smelly white plastic miniskirts with heavy steel chain belts that must have belonged to some fetishist, and acrylic ribbed halter-tops clinging to her almost concave tits.
- When a quake shifts the column and slider - think of a pestle scraping along the bottom of a mortar - the slider faces ever more frictional resistance as it "climbs" the curvature of the concave surface.
- At the building's foundations, each vertical column stands on a semicircular slider that is seated in a concave, spherical surface of chromium steel.
- The straight edges can seem slightly curved and concave.
- The next wave was perhaps thirty-five feet, sucking inwards to produce a concave face like the inside of a bottle.