Перевод: conjunction
[существительное] соединение; связь ; сочетание; совпадение; стечение; союз ; перекресток ; пересечение дорог; конъюнкция
- We are doing research on women in science, in conjunction with General Electric Company, for our masters' theses at the London School of Economics.
- The prediction of its heliacal rising after inferior conjunction, that is, its first reappearance as "the morning star" after a period of invisibility, was of vital concern to the Maya, who regarded it as a moment of particular dread.
- No voltage regulator is required for IC1 since this is provided on the chip in conjunction with resistor R3.
- VISIT BEFORE 12 NOON TO RECEIVE 1.00 OFF ADMISSION PRICE OF TWO FULL-PAYING ADULTS Valid until end 1992 1 Voucher per visit Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer
- Postgraduate study in adult and continuing education leading to the Postgraduate Diploma/MEd (Professional Development) is provided in conjunction with the Faculty of Education.
- "As an astrologer, I must tell you there is a conjunction in Uranus."
- Public opinion responds to the conjunction of culture and event and solidifies either old or burgeoning values as might be the case.
- On this latter point, Lord Belstead (Minister of State, MAFF) in evidence to the House of Lords Select Committee, stated that ADAS is broadening its ability to give environmental/conservation advice in conjunction with NCC.
- I use it as a boost, in conjunction with the ADA."
- That amateurism was both a code of ethics and a system of status was borne out by the fact that "amateur" was often used in conjunction with "gentleman".
- In a letter sent later to the central authorities he advised that transport problems should be viewed in organic conjunction with local economic needs.
- This work was of course in addition to, and quite separate from, the long-established provision for trade unionists run in conjunction with the WETUC, which also enjoyed some expansion during the 1950s: in 1953-;54, for example, there were five residential weekend schools for trade unionists, in 1958-;59 there were eight.
- Planning of ward rounds and non-urgent procedures in conjunction with the nurse-in-charge leads to better organisation.