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Перевод: conserve speek conserve

консервированные засахаренные фрукты; консервы ; варенье; джем ;
сохранять; хранить; сберегать; консервировать


  1. While there are local adaptations of agricultural and pastoral practice to conserve soil, these processes ensure that they are usually not far-reaching, nor fast enough.
  2. The latter were constructed to both conserve moisture and to reduce soil erosion and occur on slopes as steep as 25.
  3. We want to protect our most beautiful landscapes, conserve the abundance and variety of our wildlife and habitats, promote access and public enjoyment of the countryside, and encourage public participation in caring for the countryside.
  4. Reflecting the great care taken by the architects to conserve and enhance the qualities of this former industrial building as a significant element in the metropolitan riverside scene, the project has received several awards, including a Doe Housing Design Award and a Civic Trust Award, both of which were presented in 1985.
  5. Father Roy Fellows, administrator of the shrine, said rationing was necessary to conserve supplies.
  6. With this in mind, banks have already been set up to conserve species, and some theorists are urgently arguing that we should begin to treat genetic information as a "fourth resource", as crucial as land, labour and capital.
  7. "We must conserve our money and our time in the schedules for the big ones," Bromley says.
  8. I would eat tinned vegetables, being sure to drink the water in which they had been canned, and I would conserve body fluid by eating little or no protein.
  9. Good for the environment, too, as the saving of space would conserve paper and trees!
  10. To meet demands for higher quality and relieve permanent shortages in some parts, the industry should conserve and recycle more water, said the report.
  11. A greater awareness amongst public librarians of the need to conserve rare books is quite likely to bring into sharper focus the whole question of whether the retention of those books is necessary, desirable or economic.
  12. Conservation techniques do not conserve soil in practice because of technical failures through inadequate or misapplied research.
  13. The maintenance (or planting) of a partial tree cover will help to conserve the soil resource by maintaining the organic components via litter supply; soil cohesiveness will thus be improved which, together with the wind- and water-break effect of trees, will reduce soil erosion.

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