Перевод: cow
[существительное] корова ; самка кита; самка носорога; самка слона; самка тюленя; [глагол] запугивать; терроризировать; усмирять
- But once again they were backed up by substantial pedigrees - a stylish first lactation daughter of Roybrook Tempo, Watergate Tempo Rosetta already classified VG is out of top production and inspection cow Murlone Ultimate Rosetta.
- My local butcher's sales of beef are down because of "mad cow" disease, and pork because of "blue ear".
- The middle-length waxy horns are dark at the tips and grow outwards, curving slightly downwards on the bull but spreading gracefully and turning upwards towards the ends on the cow.
- Cows, on the other hand, saunter around in large malodorous herds, bumping into the Land-Rover, farting and crapping all over themselves and each other, and turn previously walkable paths into evil, bubbling quagmires that leave the unsuspecting trekker caked in cow dung for the remainder of their day.
- "Poor cow," he'd said to her about Eleanor, "she thinks she's going to get something out of me.
- But the variety has all the Galloway qualities that make an ideal suckler cow, such as hardiness, longevity, adequate milk, good growth rate and fleshing qualities, and it is registered in a separate section of the Belted Galloway herdbook, which also has sections for the Red and Red Belted Galloways.
- A sixth Leapor property is found nearby adjoining Cow Close.
- Compared with the national average of about 450, Dr Simm figured that the top 5% of herds at 650 CGI were expected to achieve an extra 200 a cow a lactation.
- Banned or not, strikes will happen, for the population is beyond the stage when harsh words will cow it into submissiveness.
- In March this year, a vet found a cow dead in a bog and sheep infested with maggots.
- Being island cattle, however, they have developed to some extent in isolation, especially on Jersey, a tiny island which has managed to breed a cow whose fame is worldwide, and with justice.
- "It's grand fun with the pigs and the chickens and the cow and that.
- He has retired with a Jersey cow, 10 cats and some geese to a cosy smallholding.