Перевод: crib
[существительное] детская кроватка; ясли ; кормушка ; стойло; хижина ; небольшая комната; квартира ; дом ; магазин ; подстрочник ; шпаргалка ; плагиат ; верша для ловли лососей; сруб крепи; костровая крепь; ларь ; закром ; [глагол] запирать; заключать в тесное помещение; совершать плагиат; списать; красть; воровать; списывать тайком; пользоваться шпаргалкой
- I said a silent farewell to my beautiful Tudor doll's house, my gleaming two-wheeler Raleigh, my blackboard and desk, doll's pram and crib, my pink eiderdown and basket chair - all the remnants of a privileged childhood - and off we went.
- When Gertie brought Victoria to see her new brother, she leaned over the crib shaking with excitement.
- Nurse Willow had already warned her to put it in the crib."
- A man playing cards had an open wound in his forehead, blood dripping onto the crib board.
- "He's hungry, sir, I think," she said as Dr. Briant walked over to the crib.
- Tiptoeing over to the crib, he looked down at the red wrinkled face of the sleeping child.
- We went to see Antigone in Greek but although we were well primed beforehand you can't follow it without a crib.
- I can remember, before taking a Latin exam in school, sitting up half the night and learning the English "crib" of Caesar's Gallic Wars by heart and hoping that, when faced with a piece to translate, I would know enough Latin to work out where to start and where to finish.
- All the trappings of Christmas - the decorated tree, lights, the presents we give, the crib, tinsel, crackers, the eating and drinking which make up our celebrations - are only "signs".
- The pastry crust was embellished with a tiny figure and the whole thing was held to be representative of Christ in the crib.
- "We have a tradition in our home of setting up a little crib and surrounding it with Nativity figures.
- She remembered how she hadn't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib.
- But before you rush off and spend your savings on a weaver or crib biter, think ahead.