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Перевод: cry speek cry

крик ; окрик ; вопль ; мольба ; плач ; крик уличных разносчиков; клич ; боевой клич; лозунг ; молва ; звук, издаваемый животным; собачий лай; свора собак;
кричать; вопить; восклицать; взывать; вскричать; плакать; оглашать; объявлять; предлагать для продажи; издавать звуки


  1. In each case the shout is far more than simply a war cry.
  2. With my outside erection, the trees all grown, I needed some new green children and the cry to soften the interior of the house appealed to me.
  3. He looks at me hard and says in a voice that can only be described as arch, "Do you mean do I cry when I see children with flies round their eyes?
  4. On reaching the Fish I let out a cry of triumph, overjoyed to have got there while conveniently forgetting the Verdon-like wall which lay above.
  5. Another bull tale concerns the famous early nineteenth-century actor, Mr. Macready, who was assailed after a fine performance of Hamlet at Stamford Theatre, with the dual cry of "Macready,, on the one hand, and "bull" from a confused section on the other - in request of the bull song.
  6. I like it when she says "Surprise, Surprise", it's so funny, and I like it when they all start crying, 'cos they're happy and they all start crying 'cos they're thick and my mum starts to cry and you say "Why are you crying, it's meant to be happy?" and she goes "Weaarrh".
  7. Annie and Martha began to cry, and Annie once again pleaded with her husband.
  8. When she saw the car Irina uttered an extraordinary sound, a long raucous rapturous cry.
  9. She listened for Patrick's cry but the only noise was from the Kenny children as they squabbled over a piece of bread, and Maggie was sitting on the bed with the baby sucking in vain at her scrawny breast.
  10. It is ironic that the cry of the Left in those days was "Shelters for the people" whereas nowadays it seems to be "No shelters for the people".
  11. She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house.
  12. It is only late in the day that the weary French King (Paul Scofield) gears up his own hostile rhetoric, and then he entrusts the actual campaign to various representatives, the Dauphin, the Constable, Orleans, who cry up only their armour and their horses, and are rhetorically out-ranked even before the battle begins.
  13. The combination of acute pain with sudden hostility produces a harsher version of the usual cry of pain - more of a screech than a scream.

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