Перевод: curvilinear
[прилагательное] криволинейный
- They are usually sturdily - rather than finely - knotted in good quality wool which, because of the thickness of the yarns, precludes the possibility of intricate, curvilinear designs.
- Above left : Curvilinear structure of Zombor (1949-;53) by Victor Vasareley.
- Curvilinear designs
- There has been a lively debate in the American literature on this issue, with some researchers arguing that, if one looks at assistance of all types, the model is curvilinear in the sense that the middle generation in three-generation families is net provider of support in both directions (Hill, 1970).
- By using cords I managed to create a curvilinear band which is unusual in the sense that no two bands would ever be the same.
- Many experts argue that the Persian knot makes it easier to produce intricate, curvilinear designs by enabling the weaver to tie more knot to the square inch, but this theory is by no means universally accepted in the carpet trade.
- A triangle will be transformed into a curvilinear (actually, circular) triangle, whose curved sides will not possess the relative proportions of the original triangle, but the angles measured at the corners will not be altered.
- Workshop designs are generally more finely knotted and elaborate than those found on village or nomadic rugs, and can be roughly divided into two overall types: those that are essentially geometric in character and those that employ more flowing, curvilinear forms.
- This type of design can also add a degree of opulence to a plainly decorated room, but careful consideration is necessary before placing a curvilinear design rug in a room with rustic or Scandinavian-type furnishings, as the two styles may clash.
- Usually rather intricate and floral-inspired, they find their best expression in classically furnished rooms; the more ornate and intricately decorated the surroundings, the more a curvilinear rug will enhance the effect.
- One of the first examples of a curvilinear glasshouse, it stands as a reminder of bygone eras in Belfast's history.
- Curvilinear designs are found in rugs produced throughout the entire oriental weaving area and usually employ naturalistic floral elements, which range from the essentially floral Shah Abbas, garden or vase compositions, to the incorporation of flower, leaf or stem motifs into the infill decorations or border arrangements of allover and medallion designs.
- The drawing technique of shared radii can be used to construct a variety of curvilinear shapes.