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Перевод: deacon speek deacon

дьякон ;
читать вслух псалмы; выставлять лучшие экземпляры сверху; подкрашивать фрукты при продаже; фальсифицировать товары; жульничать


  1. The arrival of Deacon Billingsley should have given me the satisfaction that my telephone call had been treated seriously, but I sensed this policeman was not going to offer me any satisfaction at all.
  2. I would like to ask if it might be possible for Oxford University Press to make use of the track The Chocolate Girl by Deacon Blue in a non-broadcast educational video.
  3. One of his great scholars, Paul the Deacon, was given the task of preparing a new lectionary (list of lessons for reading), drawn from the best selected texts.
  4. The Rally began with Mass, celebrated by Reverend Joseph Hothersall, Parish Priest assisted by the Deacon, Reverend Graham Lavery.
  5. Cell B comprises a group of seven (three married clergy couples and one single woman deacon).
  6. Deacon won 1,500 on Monday when his horse Mr Dynamic won at 50-1 at Newton Abbot.
  7. BROTHER David Christopher Jones IC, of Our Lady of Pity Parish, Greasby, was ordained deacon on November 23, by Bishop Howard Tripp, at the Rosminian House (St Mary's, Derryswood) at Wonersh, near Guildford, Surrey.
  8. After Mrs Deacon's death there was no change in the pattern of life at the rectory, and Nahum's comforts remained the same.
  9. Meanwhile at 1130 eight more Hurricanes had taken off from Takali, Sgt. Deacon included, making his second sortie of the day in P3978.
  10. Other pilots were credited with two CR 42s probably shot down, and Deacon with two more Bf109s damaged.
  11. Sgt. Deacon made his first sortie in V3978, seeing five CR 42s, but being unable to engage these.
  13. "Ah, Mrs Deacon," said Nahum, striding in and drawing Sarah after him.

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