Перевод: deception
[существительное] обман ; жульничество; хитрость ; ложь
- The male pied flycatcher is unusual in using deception to achieve his ends.
- There is also concern with the use of deception to induce hypnosis.
- But when the prince reminded her - oh, so gently - of the deception practised upon his royal parents on Twelfth Night, Anne realized she had little choice.
- So now you have three weapons when standing face to face with someone who wants to hurt you: physical power, surprise and deception.
- Film producer Liam Brennan, who may face extradition to the US on deception charges, admitted using a worthless cheque.
- Some of the objects on show are clearly and satisfyingly "fake", in the sense that their sole intention is deception for some form of gain.
- The trouble was that George had a needling propensity for deception that could not be slaked.
- "Under a Labour government, this country would be swamped with immigrants of every colour and race, and on any excuse of asylum or bogus marriage, or just plain deception" - Sir "Nicky" Fairbairn, April 1992.
- And if I promise myself that, once Peter has calmed down, I will tell him of Flora's free place, where can be the danger of a little, temporary deception?
- It might be thought that this was an essential part of the cuckoo's deception - that by leaving the same number of eggs in the nest, the cuckoo might fool the host bird into thinking that nothing had happened.
- An affidavit from Kenneth Randall investigating Gooda Walker showed there had been "deliberate deception", Mr Burton added.
- But you must watch for underhand dealings, if not deception, in early April and July.