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Перевод: denounce speek denounce

осуждать; обвинять; разоблачать; поносить; денонсировать; расторгать; предупреждать; предрекать; предсказывать; угрожать; доносить


  1. What avail for the artist to denounce such a work?
  2. They heard Jack Jones, the former transport workers' union leader, condemn British pensions as the worst in Europe and denounce means-testing for pensioners.
  3. East and West denounce suppression of protests "Massacre" on streets of Romania.
  4. Common to the passages quoted above is the assumption that it is possible to denounce "academicism" or "professionalism" whilst being a member of the academic profession.
  5. The carefree quality disappears when she shyly tries to tell the Tutor how fond she has become of him, and when she discovers Natalia and the Tutor in each other's arms, she loses all inhibitions to denounce them.
  6. Two weeks ago I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that it was now time for the Church Militant to denounce antibiotics in the same uncompromising terms once used against usury, but I suspect my advice (admittedly unsolicited) will go the same way as the seed of Onan.
  7. In another report, Tass correspondent Nikolai Morozov said University Square in Bucharest had become a centre of the protests, with mainly young speakers taking turns to denounce the government.
  8. On the other hand, a high moral tone may denounce but fails to understand the problem, which is more than simply one of human weakness.
  9. Zealots may feel their blood quicken when they hear calls for a holy war; many of the imams who denounce the presence of infidel troops on Islamic soil know they owe their livelihoods to Saudi money.
  10. We appeal, therefore, to public opinion, and trade unionists in particular, to denounce these repressive measures, condemn the violations of democratic and trade union rights by the authorities and demand the immediate release of all detainees and a halt to mass dismissals and arrest without trial.
  11. The audience heard Paisley denounce Soper for his blaspheming, the Methodist Church for not opposing them, and the government for misusing the law to punish legal protest.
  12. If he believes a thing harmful, he must not support it; if he thinks it unjust he must denounce it.
  13. He saw nothing political about inviting an ex-priest to publicly denounce the mass as a blasphemy, and took the council's refusal to let him use public property for this purpose as the state interfering in valid religious activity.

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