Перевод: depression
[существительное] угнетенное состояние; депрессия ; уныние; упадок духа; тоска ; падение; снижение; уменьшение; низина ; впадина ; лощина ; углубление; понижение местности; падение давления; разрежение; вакуум ; угловое склонение; склонение [существительное]
- With the benefit of experience, the authors feel that a more sensitive, qualitative approach, possibly incorporating a few standardised items, would have been better than using standardised scales for the difficult task of assessing depression and dementia in elderly people.
- As the innovations mature there will be a period of stagnation and depression, with consequent high unemployment, if or until a new wave of innovations comes along to compensate.
- Encourage regular visits to the lavatory, help the person take their mind off their depression by encouraging them to take part in the activities of the Home.
- The idea is simple: communities with high unemployment and economic depression can be turned around if the companies that operate in those communities can be persuaded to become involved in them, invest in them, and train and recruit people from within them.
- Myra Chave-Jones, a psychotherapist, in her book Coping with Depression says, "The successful and lasting treatment of depression involves openly acknowledging its existence.
- Some forms of depression - inadequate timing systems?
- Every prisoner suffered from cycles of depression, more frequent but almost as regular as the changing seasons.
- Alcoholism, depression and an intensity of Presbyterian self-chastisement were abundantly in evidence, with the occasional nervous collapse or suicide.
- Did unemployment, economic depression and the General Strike reduce trade unionism to a pitiful weakness?
- Little is known about the causes of the problem, though a new study of receptors on blood platelets has suggested a possible mechanism, and could provide a way of predicting those women who will suffer postnatal depression.
- "It's helped me through this depression, actually.
- The result of trying to be a valid person has made me prone to depression, agoraphobia, and reclusiveness - for I'm tired to have to constantly explain my "differentness".
- Initially, the isolation is likely to make the horse overtly anxious; but as time passes, its restlessness is likely to give way to depression.