Перевод: derelict
[прилагательное] покинутый владельцем; покинутый; брошенный; бесхозный; оставленный; беспризорный; нарушающий; [существительное] что-либо, брошенное за негодностью; отверженный ; изгой ; отщепенец ; неимущий ; бездомный
- It was in this drab landscape that one of the largest bombed and derelict sites in the centre of London, the South Bank of the Thames was filled by a deliberate gesture of faith in a brighter future, the Festival of Britain.
- London's Victorian railway stations have been at the centre of the, now declining, spate of property development in the capital, as conveniently located derelict land and industrial/warehouse buildings have been exploited for new office accommodation.
- The government has made it clear that redevelopment should, as far as possible, be in line with local planning policies but that where this is impossible new uses are preferable to leaving a large site derelict.
- First, outside the existing UDC areas, it will reclaim derelict land, assembling suitable sites for redevelopment using vesting or compulsory purchase powers where necessary.
- ABOVE LEFT: Greens Mill at Upton St Leonards was once a working corn mill but is now derelict.
- Once that is completed the Captain is joined by Corporal L for a planning conference on a forthcoming job of clearing some derelict houses of a suspect IED.
- Over his shoulder she was looking at the derelict house.
- A tramp, a derelict.
- These objectives were to improve employment prospects in the inner cities; to reduce derelict land and sites; to strengthen the social fabric of the inner city; and to reduce the number of People in acute housing stress.
- Here, he would have heard of poor Mansfield's terrible death following a naphtha fire in a derelict building in St Pancras, as well as of G. F. Wilson's new processes for producing cheap glycerin soaps and (Price's patents) candles from low-grade fats, and of Abel and Spiller's progress at Woolwich Arsenal on organo-nitrate explosives.
- The pier had knobs but was derelict, entry barred since the last fire.
- I've always been a d-i-y enthusiast, but it's been more through lack of funds than genuine enthusiasm - not exactly a good basis for totally renovating a derelict house.
- He took over an existing but derelict blast furnace at Coalbrookdale ( q.v. ) which had been set up in 1638, and in 1709 he discovered the method of smelting iron with coke instead of charcoal.