Перевод: determined
[прилагательное] решительный; определенный; решившийся; принявший решение; полный решимости; непреклонный; установленный; положенный
- For some reason, Denis took offence at this, and was even more determined to "get to the bottom of it all" as he put it.
- The settlement pattern of this migrant population in West Ham was determined by its industrial topography.
- It must have been the boarding-school she had been to which determined her voice, affected, sharp, shrill.
- In awarding penalties for failure to comply with precepts issued under s 51, TMA 1970, the General Commissioners had taken all the relevant circumstances into account and the Court would not vary the amounts determined, according to the Chancery Division in Delapage Ltd v Highbury General Commissioners and IRC 1992 STI 205.
- I have long been interested in military technology so I was determined to attend the presentation.
- MARRIAGE may be made in heaven but divorce is determined by your genes, according to scientists.
- RAY DUCKWORTH, the West Yorkshire Police and British international marksman, won the Army Open Pistol Championship and the Standard Pistol match at Bisley yesterday after a determined challenge from Andrew Lamont, who was runner-up in three of the main events.
- In the event, the government had to resort to Article 110 of the law, which comes into operation when there is a shortage of foreign exchange at the rates determined by the National Bank.
- If the gene is isolated then it can be cloned - that is, large numbers of copies made - and then its nucleotide sequence determined.
- The vineyard area of Champagne is now almost fully planted and the greedy grape growers have broken the long-standing contract that determined the annual price of the grapes.
- So Alexander left the surgery determined that he, himself, was going to find out the solution to his curious problem.
- The school took a determined line in support of its belief in a right to education for all and eventually convinced parents that "standards" were far from suffering and "those traveller/gipsy children" gradually became known and valued as individuals and opposition virtually faded away.
- Local management will throw into sharp relief the fact that staffing decisions (in turn determined by financial priorities) can determine curriculum provision, if not curriculum policy.