Перевод: dirty
[прилагательное] грязный; нечистый; замаранный; заношенный; нечистоплотный; подлый; нечестный; непристойный; неприличный; скабрезный; ненастный; бурный; дающий радиоактивные осадки; [существительное] лахудра [сл.] ; [глагол] загрязнять; завозить; пачкать; обсирать [сл.]
- "The French were a dirty lot.
- The granite steps and the pillared doorcase were new and unmarked by the city's dirty air.
- I keep banging into these horrible trolleys, and everything's all dark and dirty.
- Dry hop extract provides immediate character which lasts longer and reduces the possibility of infection being added from whole hops or, more likely, from a dirty hand.
- There was just going to be one big thud when I hit the deck and then all would be over - my arm would stop hurting and no more 109s could make dirty passes at me behind my back.
- "Foundries are dirty places.
- Poor boy, he had found nothing better than a dirty corner next to a lavatory!
- "Bloody, dirty cheat.
- With gloss paint the cause is painting over a dirty or glossy surface without preparing it properly and applying undercoat before the gloss finish.
- "From the Scandinavian countries Britain is seen as the dirty man of the acid rain affair," wrote the Guardian's Anthony Tucker in September 1984.
- Philip looked out at the houses, some of the front gardens still had pockets of dirty snow in them.
- I felt hungry, cold and dirty.
- The extracts from a dirty movie fade away and the Inspirals clamber into their Scandia van, delighted with the comments of a Finnish woman journalist who had told them, "You make music that is going somewhere while at the same time standing still and one day it will end in a big BOOM!"