Перевод: discreet
[прилагательное] осторожный; осмотрительный; благоразумный; сдержанный; тактичный
- But a casual um or oh? a discreet sloshing of more wine would bring pink to Lucy's cheeks and untie her tongue.
- At times in Rangoon it seems that the second economy is all pervasive, and gaps in conversation are filled by discreet requests to change money.
- A discreet notice has appeared in the latest newsletter of the Local Investment Networking Company, an organisation which matches rich private investors with needy entrepreneurs.
- Buckingham Palace had promised his remarks would be discreet.
- After discreet soundings, they prudently abandoned the idea, which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence.
- A discreet up-market drink.
- It has also held discreet discussions with the Hungarian Government -although progress is slow.
- Gaily followed them at a discreet distance and watched as they lowered Miss Faith Lavender into her last resting place.
- The note is formal and discreet, I think.
- She was asked discreet questions about private health insurance and, in the face of her disclaimers, equally civil ones about her credit cards.
- Virginia Woolf wrote with a Mont Blanc, but these days the company is too discreet, too grand to trade on the identities of its famous customers.
- If she screwed around, at least she was discreet.
- Indeed, it is a striking feature of Germany's economic life that there is a strong national consensus between "the boards of the banks and the large companies (Konzerne) in discreet but effective liaison with the Federal Government and the Lnder".