Перевод: disgrace
[существительное] позор ; бесчестие; позорный поступок; немилость ; опала ; [глагол] позорить; опозорить; срамить; осрамить; бесчестить; лишить расположения; подвергать немилости; разжаловать
- They do not consider us a "disgrace" and in fact many were happy to send a letter of support on our behalf to the recent appeal hearing.
- For a tradesman or businessman to allow himself to become over indebted to the extent of being taken to court, let alone jailed, remained a slur if not, at least temporarily, a disgrace and a mark of unreliability.
- When Arafat satisfied himself of the identity of the three Palestinians responsible, they were sent down to Tyre "in disgrace".
- The attempt of the police to cause a riot was called "a disgrace for New York" by one paper.
- In what seemed like a bizarre dress rehearsal of the fate awaiting his namesake, the Olympic sprinter Ben Johnson, words like "drugs", "disgrace", "cheat" and "liar" recurred in almost every newspaper.
- Kenneth Powell tours the huge culture park and finds the British pavilion's exhibits something of a disgrace
- "In a democratic society, such a dictatorial approach is a national disgrace," said Mr John St Vincent-Welsh, the institute's chief executive.
- SIR PETER HAYMAN, who has died aged 77, had an eminent career in the Diplomatic Service, which culminated in his appointment as High Commissioner in Canada from 1970 to 1974; but after his retirement, and years of blandly shepherding the press at news conferences in various parts of the world, Hayman fell into dark disgrace and himself became their quarry.
- It was gone in a trice, saving him from a terrible thrashing or many long hours standing in disgrace.
- She'd need to get the lass a new dress - she was a fair disgrace
- The system of rent tribunals for furnished and post-1939 unfurnished houses is in our opinion a disgrace to British justice.
- THE treatment of pub tenants by the national brewers is a disgrace.
- "I was a disgrace to them in the eyes of their neighbours."