Перевод: docile
[прилагательное] послушный; покорный; понятливый
- On the other hand there was the demand, often locally generated, usually far more enthusiastically supported by parents and teachers, for an education which would produce a competent and reasonably docile junior civil servant, a clerk, storekeeper, interpreter or later an assistant this or junior that to work under a white colonial officer.
- The "docile", easily exploited workforce is gradually becoming more defiant and angry.
- They will become generally more docile and less demanding.
- "A Docile Rage: Christabel LaMotte's Ambivalent Domesticity."
- Excellent forager and suckler; economic producer; docile, easy to manage, early maturing, reliable, consistent, highly adaptable; particularly good for fattening on grassland or range.
- One might expect a docile or sensible horse, or even a friendly one, to be willing.
- After a time I found myself frequently addressing him as "Father", so naturally did he touch the gentle docile side of me.
- Many of these colts are castrated, and as geldings they become more docile and respectful.
- He argued in his essay On Liberty that State schools, with a State control over the curriculum, would be simply a means of producing a docile and bien pensant population, moulded in accordance with the wishes of the government of the day.
- The government found itself having to make concessions to normally docile bodies like the House of Lords and the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals, over such matters as security of tenure for academics and the universities' powers to raise their own finance.
- This demonstration is intended to counteract the tendency for pilots trained on very docile gliders to remember the full opposite rudder but to forget the stick movement.
- Quilp is addicted to fiendish practical jokes, the chief victims of which are his servile legal adviser, Sampson Brass, his mother-in-law, Mrs Jiniwin, and his docile, pretty wife, Betsy , who is totally fascinated by him and under his power.
- Even though the other girl was a head taller than she was, she was far too docile and forgiving to be much fun bullying.