Перевод: dolt
[существительное] дурень ; болван ; раздолбай [сл.]
- A heartless, power-hungry dolt who had no grasp whatsoever of what chivalry meant had brought the order to its knees, reduced its paladins to figures of ridicule.
- Oh, what a buzz it must give the dolt to have the impressionable whispering "ooh, there's that Shaun Ryder, he was a DRUG ADDICT."
- "Not there, you dolt.
- "What a dolt I am!
- I, however, plodded on in the dolt's group.
- Don't be a dolt.
- Not in the war you dolt, Thrse said: they had to make shoes out of wood and cork, Victorine said so.
- "'TIS all very well putting on your old gown and pretending to be a serving-girl so we could pass that dolt at the solar door.