Перевод: dope
[существительное] паста ; густая смазка; густое смазывающее вещество; лак ; аэролак ; допинг ; наркотик ; дурман ; секретная информация о шансах на выигрыш той или иной лошади; информация, используемая журналистами; болван ; дурак ; остолоп ; поглотитель ; [глагол] наносить пасту или лак; лакировать; покрывать аэролаком; разбавлять; давать допинг; давать наркотики; одурманивать; убаюкивать; получать секретную информацию; предсказывать на основании тайной информации; заливать горючее; добавлять присадки
- If he knows someone smokes dope, he will go off them.
- "I started drinking very heavily, using aerosols, dope, pills.
- There is a saying, although it is accepted by smokers as being mildly humorous, "Dope will get you through times of no money, but money won't get you through times of no dope."
- The government had plenty of dope on Mr Dixon, who drew attention to himself with his lavish style of life, including a fleet of fancy jets and fast cars, and a two-week tour of fine French restaurants.
- "Yo, yo, yo, I'm the centre of the show, I like your crib, this place is dope," splutters the visitor.
- Spurred only by that insidious dope
- "Junkies would travel from their own neighbourhood to the Lower East Side or Harlem to cop, because the dope was cheaper and better quality there.
- I get the dope on each High Hope,
- And what kind of dope produced that kind of idiotic but vivid hallucination?
- The club itself was mainly hippies - art students and hippies - there were a lot of drugs around and the Three Tuns used to stink of dope every week.
- Murderers, bank robbers, gangsters, swindlers, dope pedlars, arms traffickers, terrorists, kidnappers; "bent" bankers, accountants, lawyers, politicians and policemen; dead, alive, in gaol or simply missing - if they had appeared in print, and often if they had not, he had them filed.
- She is so slowed down by the dope slamming fifty visions of hell at her a second that she finds it hard to fight, hard to believe in her own anger, hard to believe in what she's doing.
- She did dope all afternoon, spaced out to Nina Simone and Marvin Gaye - why was there no one better to wank to than Marvin Gaye? - and decided: OK, LADY, IF WE'RE WORKING, LET'S WORK!