Перевод: dorsal
[прилагательное] спинной; дорсальный; тыльный; [существительное] спинной плавник; заалтарная завеса
- The idea of three separate channels running from the retina to the visual cortex via the dorsal lateral geniculate body is now well established.
- A second black bar extends from the leading edge of the dorsal fin in a wide curve across the body to end in the anal fin.
- A pair can be safely introduced at the same time; the male can be recognised by the extended first dorsal ray which is absent in the female.
- There is some confusion at the moment over the common name, as there are two varieties that possess the rich orange seam along the dorsal fin and tail.
- Its thirteen powerful dorsal spines contain enough poison to kill any human swimmer who accidentally treads on it with a bare foot.
- Are there any tremors of dorsal or pectorals that could signify irritation from parasites?
- Right: A.trifasciata by comparison has a plain tail but sports a dorsal crest.
- Its only response to being disturbed is to erect its dorsal spines.
- Local farmers preferred black or dark brindled animals in both breeds and some said that the Galloway had originally been a horned black animal with touches of white, or perhaps brindle with a white dorsal stripe and occasionally belted.
- "The one I purchased has a black body with bright yellow/orange spots on the body and all the fins, with the orange seam on the dorsal fin and the tail."
- The whole body turns an intense orange with the dorsal fin lemon yellow and the throat and anal fin a brilliant blue.
- P.O. (A) Jopling and his TAG, L/A Glen, were in the Skua (L3007), they and the Fulmar firing from long range but only achieving a single hit on the dorsal turret, but both then closed in and after further firing the much-damaged floatplane came down on the sea, the engineer breaking an arm during the crash-landing.
- The male is more richly coloured than the female, and the leading spine of the dorsal fin is very elongated.