Перевод: dumb
[прилагательное] немой; онемевший; безгласный; бессловесный; молчаливый; безответный; беззвучный; глупый; тупой; [глагол] бить палкой
- "She's no dumb blonde, she has got a skin of steel and by the way she conducts herself you can tell she has got things in proportion too.
- Leila loves you, you dumb shit.
- They were followed by the Liverpool Deaf and Dumb Cricket and Football Club (1878), Armstead Deaf and Dumb F.C.
- A dumb question really.
- With strong backing from George Healey of Liverpool, Francis Maginn of Belfast and William Agnew of Glasgow, a convention was held in Leeds, and from this meeting, the British Deaf and Dumb Association was born.
- till the dumb cry out.
- I amble over to Odd-Knut to ask a few dumb questions.
- It reorganised itself in 1854, and took an office in Regent Street, and a year later took the important step of appointing as lay-missioner a Samuel Smith, a teacher at the Yorkshire Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.
- Bates is intense as the lonely homosexual whose obsessive selfless love is only reciprocated by a dumb animal.
- In 1879 Pearce, the Owen cousins, and the Rev. Samuel Smith of St. Saviour's Church for the Deaf in London got together and established the Winchester Diocesan Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission.
- It was, moreover, shown over Baghdad that dropping one clever bomb can cost less, kill fewer civilians and risk fewer airmen's lives than the indiscriminate use of cheap, dumb ones.
- He looks at her in fear: "the cleft was like a dumb, stupid mouth."
- Although he helped to form the National Deaf and Dumb Society, he was also to be the main reason for its demise.