Перевод: elaborate
[прилагательное] детально разработанный; тщательно разработанный; тщательно сделанный; искусно сделанный; продуманный; сложный; выработанный; усовершенствованный; [глагол] детально разрабатывать; разрабатывать; тщательно разрабатывать; вдаваться в подробности; вырабатывать; дополнять; развивать
- Some of the precautions taken to secure the safety of the Royal Train in the 19th and early 20th centuries were quite elaborate.
- The final stages of creative eclecticism and the power of the office-block station marked the end of the elaborate experimentation with revivalist styles.
- And Lucy would like that, she described her itinerary over gazpacho, her beach clothes throughout a pasta salad, Jeremy's elaborate packing as she sipped brandy.
- Then there was the elaborate and explicitly imperial ceremonial that surrounded the monarch in life and in death.
- The diet is laid out in such a way that, starting on a Monday, the slightly more elaborate meals are at the weekend.
- Bronze moulds for elaborate axes of the late Bronze Age in Britain could only have been used in the lost-wax process.
- The children emerged from the elaborate wrought-iron school gates, which were red with rust-preventer but had never got around to being painted.
- Again as in The German Ideology we have an elaborate consideration of the growth of classes in ancient Rome and the differentiation between plebeians and patricians.
- The walls of the concourse were finished in New South Wales marble; the ticket office was constructed entirely in Tasmanian blackwood; and a feature of the booking hall was an elaborate gallery in stone and brick.
- This sort of imagery is amusing to elaborate but the argument derived from it can be dangerously simplistic.
- This is no elaborate, townie's re-creation, overburdened with fancy aesthetics, but a living, breathing original - a mixture of plants for use and beauty, like those that appealed to so many artists around the turn of the century.
- In all societies, from the most primitive to the most advanced, envy and its counterpart, the fear of being envied, give rise to a whole series of often elaborate systems of behaviour.
- Couples enter high-booted in an elaborate but genuinely traditional promenade.