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Перевод: elder speek elder

старший; старый; закоренелый; старческий; старообразный; опытный; занимавшийся длительное время; прежний; бывший; выдержанный; долго использовавшийся; долго употреблявшийся; обветшалый; поношенный; потрепанный; относящийся к прошлому; старинный; давний; давнишний;
старшие ; старые люди; старший из двух; старец ; старейшина ; церковный староста; бузина ; самбук


  1. Anything her beloved elder son asked of her, Louise gave.
  2. An elder's unconscious may contain a lifetime's thwarted desire in the form of unresolved suffering and pain.
  3. Rooted in the foundations of old buildings, the vegetation contains large amounts of crab apple (Malus sylvestris) and elder (Sambucus nigra) , with frequent hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) and lesser amounts of guelder rose ( Viburnum opulus) and sycamore ( Acer pseudoplatanus) .
  4. A grammar-school pupil going on to Manchester University through the sacrifices of an elder brother, she fought the cause of Labour through the trade-union movement and into the House of Commons.
  5. The elder Pinney, owner of the largest sugar plantations in Nevis, would certainly have been less pliable had he realized that his sons were allowing the new tenants to have Racedown rent-free; but in the event he quickly warmed to the young poet, and welcomed him as a guest to the family's town house in Bristol during the autumn of 1795, the period which first brought Wordsworth into contact with both Coleridge and Southey.7sup18;
  6. Chaplin showed a remarkable self-confidence in his own talents from an early age and this was amply exploited by his elder brother Sidney, played by Paul Rhys.
  7. Our elder daughter, a budding journalist, had her birthday a few days after Easter Day, so we seemed to be stuffed with Simnel cake and birthday cake and chocolate eggs.
  8. The war, seemingly interminable, was by now unpopular, and in October 1761, having failed to persuade his colleagues to declare war on Spain before she entered into an open alliance with France, Pitt the Elder resigned.
  9. Aylesbury were taking stock of a cheerless season when Reed was signed by Trevor Gould, the elder brother of Wimbledon's manager, Bobby.
  10. Ibrahim Bu Shanna, reaching maturity at a propitious time, had opportunities to achieve success in trade denied to his elder brother, who grew up during the war: the elder brother was a gardener, who lived subordinate in every way except the symbolic to Ibrahim, a successful wholesaler.
  11. There were two sons: John, the elder, became a solicitor's clerk, dying as a bachelor in Lambeth in 1862, while his brother Joseph, a house painter settling in Hoxton, assured the continuity of the Titford line by having a number of male children by his wife Elizabeth, ne Griffiths.
  12. He would have recognized her from her strong resemblance to her brother, although she looked the elder by some years.
  13. Gloria took the part of the elder princess.

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