Перевод: emphasis
[существительное] подчеркивание; ударение; особое значение; особое внимание; акцент ; выделительный шрифт; выразительность ; резкость контуров
- There was a "critical paper" in the Oxford degree, but the emphasis was substantially on scholarship of a tough traditional kind, without much concession to the Arnoldian free play of mind.
- In the present century emphasis on formal qualities in the visual arts have made musical comparisons more frequent, emphasised by the use by artists of musical terminology, as when Kandinsky chose to call his works Improvisations and Compositions.
- It was the French version of Spiritualism with a strong emphasis on reincarnation.
- "to develop management budgets involving clinicians at unit level with the emphasis on management rather than accountancy.
- The emphasis in the Lincolnshire scheme and in LMS under the 1988 Education Reform Act is not merely on financial management so much as the management of the total school resource.
- National level plans to bring change to the countryside have varied across the region and changed in emphasis.
- Others have distinguished the classical emphasis on duty and virtue from the liberal emphasis on rights and freedoms (e.g. Oldfield cited above).
- Given the emphasis on Christianity in the ERA 1988, parents from religious minority groups may now feel more inclined to exercise the right to withdraw their children from religious education at school, and perhaps also the right to have their children receive a particular form of RE away from school premises during school hours if appropriate arrangements can be made.
- Towards the end of the decade, with elections looming, land distribution decreased in favour of greater emphasis on raising agricultural yields.
- These factors become particularly important when developing sustainable agricultural systems in which the emphasis is on optimising crop yield per unit rather than maximising yield per unit area.
- Recent years have seen an increasing emphasis on the importance of inspection as a means of securing quality performance.
- A confession will now be excluded if it is the result of " oppression " or if it is the consequence of "anything said or done which was likely, in the circumstances existing at the time, to render it unreliable " (emphasis added).
- The emphasis was thus on using firms for the development of a local area and for its people - rather than with using people for the development of private firms in an area.