Перевод: exaggerate
[глагол] преувеличивать; утрировать; чрезмерно подчеркивать; излишне подчеркивать; муссировать
- However, it is important not to exaggerate the impact of the American legislation.
- It is important not to exaggerate this emphasis.
- Like all good recording artists, McGegan realises that to make a successful recording you must be prepared to exaggerate, and it is this that makes Floridante a success.
- Finally, there is a bunch of allegations that the ISI approach can exaggerate the significance of one piece, type, or area of work as against another.
- But the model he develops tends to distort the past in order to exaggerate the extent of change.
- This all simply helped to exaggerate the differences that always existed between Charman and the three other members.
- I exaggerate the danger of Great Russian chauvinism!!!
- In both cases it is important not to exaggerate the extent to which it has been implemented.
- For example, individuals find it difficult to remember how often they have been "victimised", or tend to exaggerate their experiences.
- "I am not saying she has been subject to a temptation to exaggerate, but I merely remind you of those matters which can exist in relation to a woman's evidence."
- Streets or parks are too theatrical for me to be at ease, so I make bad moves, exaggerate or, more often, under-bid.
- Having exaggerated the likelihood of Labour's victory, the media are almost bound to exaggerate the significance of its defeat.
- It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.