Перевод: exchequer
[существительное] казначейство; казна ; ресурсы ; финансы
- In a recent study, Fraser and Sinfield estimated these components of the total cost to the Exchequer in the UK for the period 1984-;85.
- One of the greatest drains on the exchequer has been the war in the south.
- However, another influential neighbour of Richard Baxter's was Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer and a man of great ability, godliness and learning.
- Gladstone and Russell became Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary respectively, for the second time, and Sir Charles Wood, a former President of the Board of Control, became the Secretary of State for India.
- Churchill made Butler his Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Florence Horsburgh became Minister of Education.
- When, for example, money was paid into the Royal Exchequer, a stick was notched and split into two parts, payer and payee retaining one each.
- The "seminar" included Denis Healey, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Harold Lever, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; Gordon Richardson, Governor of the Bank of England; Sir Douglas Wass, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury; Sir Kenneth Berrill of the CPRS; Sir John Hunt, Cabinet Secretary; Kenneth Stowe, Callaghan's Principal Private Secretary; plus a supporting cast from the Treasury and the Bank of England.
- Deprived of this option, Mr Lawson decided to soldier on as Chancellor of the Exchequer, claiming in his speech on Thursday that there was no alternative to his economic policy.
- The Treasurer and barons of the Exchequer were ordered to examine Domesday Book and other records and documents in the Exchequer and Treasury which might throw light on this question, and to report to the Council: former officers of the Forest, such as Hugh Despenser, were to deliver up to the Chancellor and Treasurer all relevant documents in their possession and custody.
- And looking back on it, when you think about his own experience - he'd been Home Secretary, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary - I think most of his Cabinet colleagues who served under him would say he was a better prime minister than he was a secretary of state in either of these three roles.
- Some wardens accounted for the revenues of their bailiwicks directly at the Exchequer.
- Tax policy may have a profound effect on those on low incomes, but constitutionally any changes are a matter for the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
- Roy Jenkins, who succeeded Callaghan at the Exchequer after the enforced devaluation of November 1967, persuaded Wilson formally to bury the DEA cadaver in 1969.