Перевод: excuse
[существительное] извинение; оправдание; отговорка ; предлог ; освобождение; [глагол] извинять; прощать; служить оправданием; находить оправдание; оправдывать; служить извинением; освобождать
- Strephon is attempting to excuse his loss of interest in Celia.
- Much attention has been focused on the concept of "reasonable excuse", where the courts have attempted to impose a fairly stringent test on persons whose reason for carrying a weapon is said to be fear of attack.
- The reasons for this are manifold and often rooted in the historic past though, as discussed in section 4.4, colonialism cannot be used perpetually to excuse failure.
- "Excuse me"
- This excuse is met by a low moan crawling through the carriages.
- He could not think of a single convincing excuse that would get him out of the house.
- "Excuse me, ma'am, but the dumper's gone."
- "Excuse me, my Dear, laughing so.
- Please excuse me - I'm off for a refill", "I'm enjoying our chat, but I've just seen someone whom I need to speak to urgently."
- Once again, Patrick Eggle has provided me with an excuse to get a paper round, take in laundry and even think about selling my body.
- "Excuse me," she said to Changez.
- However, I am expected to maintain the image of an angling guru, and all too frequently this uncomfortable mask slips; generally leaving me red-faced with embarrassment, furiously attempting to devise some semi-acceptable excuse for rampant stupidity or lack of skill.
- The "no support" excuse has been coming more to the fore recently.