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Перевод: exertion speek exertion

напряжение; усилие; старание; использование; проявление


  1. Worse () open air; physical exertion, after eating; cold drinks; sour food; standing.
  2. Traditionally it has been common practice for schools to seek to maintain discipline and control misbehaviour via the exertion of authority and the employment of sanctions as punishments.
  3. Worse () lying on the painful side, touch, pressure, motion, exertion, tight clothing.
  4. The only corroborative evidence, he suggested, was the bruising to her arm and legs, which could have been caused by the exertion of force.
  5. Readings were only normal when I was walking, perhaps because of the tendency of exertion to increase body temperature.
  6. His breath, after the exertion, came in startled gasps.
  7. He had been in good health, and had been subjected to no particular strain or exertion.
  8. Soul for them was a form of exertion; performance that Barney Hoskyns called (in reference to The Jam, as it happens) "a gymnasium of exhortation".
  9. Sweats about the head on the least exertion, covered with cold sweat.
  10. Worse () motion, even the winking of an eye; exertion is impossible, they keep perfectly quiet and still, in the dark too because worse () by light.
  11. Worse () cold air, ascending or exertion.
  12. Laing's desire to reduce physical exertion stemmed from personal experience during his early days on the shop floor.
  13. Amateurism provided a bridge between the old world of aristocratic values and the new one of bourgeois exertion and competitiveness.

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