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Перевод: expectation speek expectation

ожидание; предвкушение; надежда ; упование; чаяние; виды на будущее; виды на наследство; вероятность


  1. From expectation, responsibility, guilt?
  2. Ideally, it will reflect the characteristics of the model, eg comprise a series of interrelated subsystems, have resources for its own use, an expectation of continuity, and be part of a wider system that is influenced by the surrounding environment.
  3. South Korea has a Confucian-style society which has a tradition of respect for hierarchical authority, but also one of egalitaranism and an expectation that rulers have a duty to treat their people fairly.
  4. This year alone - the sad one in which British rugby players are apparently rubbing their hands in greedy but pitiful expectation - I've relished long, doubtless tedious (for them) but totally gratis and generous interviews with the likes of Scudamore (on his most precious mid-season afternoon off), Offiah, Gower, Gooch, Border, Simpson, Jacklin, Robson, the teenage millionaire Chang; and even Mansell took a day off to drive me round and round Silverstone.
  5. There was also a reasonable and sound expectation that, on the basis of the initial computer support installation, many of the other problems identified by the FAOR team would eventually be addressed and solved.
  6. Propositions 53 - 71 are the application of this thought to expectation (for example, 56: "If someone could see the expectation itself - he would have to see what is being expected"; 60: "Reality is not a property still missing in what is expected and which accedes to it when one's expectation comes about"); 331-;70, to colours (for example, 331: "One is tempted to justify rules of grammar by sentences like "But there really are four primary colours.
  7. The honeymoon is likely to be the more enjoyable for that, no longer burdened by the weight of expectation, and sometimes fear, that spoilt the experience for some in days gone by.
  8. Is it love which drives one human to reduce another to a state of highly charged expectation and desire when no more can be done, or is it lust?
  9. Auditors should recognise the public's "enduring" expectation that they should detect material fraud and accept the role, it says.
  10. Its two exposure drafts on Going Concern and Auditor's Reports on Financial Statements , issued in May, marked the start of a determined effort to bridge the expectation gap both by explaining auditors' responsibilities to the users of accounts and by extending those responsibilities, particularly in relation to the going concern problem.
  11. The stillness, the cool, the quiet of the building all combined to produce an effect that was overwhelming and gave rise to a feeling of expectation.
  12. They believed that in his teaching and life, God had "visited his people" and sent a prophet and more than a prophet, an example and teacher of the way of truth and righteousness surpassing John the Baptist; the "Messiah" or anointed leader of ancient expectation.
  13. By 1959 a third of those cases were about the way these relations had failed to meet expectations, particularly women's expectation, since twice as many women as men applied to it.

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